Why Should You Choose Eco-Friendly Pens

For those looking to promote the eco credentials of their company or organisation, what better way than with eco-friendly pens? 

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Writing Ideas For The Summer Holidays

As the summer holidays roll around once more, many parents will be wondering how to keep their children entertained for 6 long weeks, especially when our unpredictable weather threatens to keep them indoors for long periods. 

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5 Reasons To Choose Eco-Friendly Promotional Pens

As you sit outside enjoying the summer sun, you may feel that you are a little closer to nature, allowing you time to appreciate the world around you. With any luck, it will help you to realise how important it is to look after our planet and be as eco-friendly

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How Do I Make A Spring Fair A Success

As we move out of a long winter, it will be on the calendar of many businesses to start getting ready for the annual spring fairs, an opportunity to showcase their services and products to hundreds or even thousands of potential clients.

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How To Find Your Writing Inspiration

Whether you’re writing a novel, a song, an essay or a letter, sometimes it’s hard to find the inspiration to come up with the right words. 

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What do your pen habits say about you?

Experts say that your handwriting can say a lot about your personality, but what about the way that you use your pen? Do you have particular habits that seem to surface when you are writing, using either a pen or pencil?

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